Iron deficiency is a common cause of anemia in India, which is easily treatable. Apart from anemia it might present with other symptoms too. Lets see in details about iron deficiency.
What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?
Tiredness, restless leg syndrome, pica, craving for cold things, pale hands, spoon shaped or flat nails, breathless ness, poor concentration, etc.
How do you diagnose?
Iron deficiency is diagnosed by blood tests like CBC(complete blood count),peripheral smears, serum ferritin levels and in some cases iron levels, TIBC.
How to treat iron deficiency?
Iron deficiency is treated by iron replacement therapy either oral or injectable.
What is the correct way to take your iron tablets?
Once a day, preferably once alternate days, it reduces side effects and also helps in better absorption of iron.
Iron should be taken one and half hour before or after foods as food hinders the absorption of iron. Never take with tea or milk, never take with calcium tablets, it can be take with lime or orange juice or vitamin c tablets.
When should you go for injectable iron?
if you cannot tolerate oral iron or there is no response to oral iron or you are not able to take oral iron regularly you can go for iv iron as suggested by you haematologist .
Are IV iron safe ?
Newer preparation of iv iron are very safe. Some people can get allergic reactions which can be easily managed by medications.